About 6 weeks ago we got 20 young Delaware chicks from a friend who breeds them professionally. For the first few weeks they were all together in a small, completely enclosed coop. If I had a good picture, I would post it here. Once they were mature enough to handle the summer evening low temps ( when did 75 become the evening low in June? ), we moved them all into a cute little 4 x 8 coop with a camo tarp. Again, if only I had a picture. Anyway, most recently we split up the flock into two groups, the smaller of which stayed in the camo coop and the larger of which was moved into the deluxe accomodations, a 6 x 10 half round coop with multi-layered roosting poles, a 3 gallon waterer and a lot more sunlight than the camo coop offers. Finally some photos.
The only convenient device we could find for moving the eleven lucky winners was the box from our recently purchased push-mower.
Although they all fit, the roosters didn’t find the Bolens box particularly accommodating.
The first brave rooster to leave the temporary cardboard confines was pretty wary of his new surroundings.
Once he was acclimated, though, the others followed with reckless abandon.
It remains unclear whether or not the chickens were traumatized by this experience. My guess is not. Either way, everyone is settled in their new home and will remain that way until the great migration to join the rest of our flock somewhere between 8 and 12 weeks. Happy pecking.